Huwebes, Disyembre 6, 2012


Chapter 1

A. Background of the study

The Philippines just isn't only known for its lovely scenery and friendly people, it is usually identified for its delectable food. One of the most delectable foods is what we call “kakanins”. Puto, biko, kutsinta and suman are example of “kakanins”. Several ingredients of “kakanins” that typically use are the same to the other delicacies, these ingredient are brown sugar, coconut milk, and sticky rice. Filipinos can’t deny that eating of native delicacies is in our tradition that if didn’t eat it our day is not complete and the taste buds of us still seeking for the native delicacies.

 In Usual life and one’s Culture eating three times a day is enough and that’s the habitually done by the most of people, but in Filipino culture the majority of  Pinoys is not satisfied in three times a day intake of food. Pinoys love to eat. The Pinoys have a fourth meal but we did not call it actually as a meal or a heavy meal we called it as “merienda”. Merienda is a word that coming from a Spanish word means a small amount of snack eaten between biggest meal of the day in Spain in short they call it la comid) and smaller than biggest meal they call it as la cen).               (

Most of the Filipinos are not aware that “kakanins” are the local version of desserts that being served as snacks. Pinoys have the famous “halo-halo” considered the local alteration of the cold desserts from the western side. “Halo-Halo” is made up from shaved ice, bananas, caramel custard, black beans, leche flan, purple yum, shredded coconut, sugar, sweet palm fruit, gelatine, jackfruit, dried rice and coconut gelatine you can add ice-cream for optional but it is more look special and delicious if ice-cream is included. This “halo-halo” is very popular especially when summer because Filipinos are practical they can eat a delicious afters but not spending too much money like “halo-halo”. Aside from halo-halo Philippines have a several desserts that usually sold by the peddlers like biko. Biko is the most common “merienda” that Filipino eats. Biko is made up of sticky rice, coconut milk and sugar and as the Chinese said eating sticky food in New Year’s time brings luck.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer these questions:
1. What are the common Filipino desserts and where does it comes from?
2. What are the differences of the Filipino desserts from western desserts?
3. What are the common ingredients of the Filipino used?
C. Significance of the Study

Restaurant Owners. Restaurant owners have a very big benefit on dessert because many people when they go in the restaurant they always find a perfect dessert and when the restaurant owner create a good dessert his/her business will grow and make his/her more profitable.
Baker of cakes. This research paper can help the baker to know what the right thing to do or to bake it gives his/her an idea on what to bake in a certain season or time because dessert has a season too you can’t just create one but not in a appropriate season like when it December cake is a perfect dessert unlike ice-cream because when it Ber months the weather is cold and when you eat an a ice-cream you feel more colder s cake is a perfect.
Future chefs. This study is hard for future chefs to have a similar studies especially they need to study more about different kinds of dessert, what are the ingredients, the availability of ingredients in our country and why cakes in America why halo-halo in here in Philippines something like that so they can be a good chefs at a near future or someday.
Researchers. This study can provide some facts about the history of filipino desserts as well as this study differentiates the western types of desserts from the local ones.
D. Scope and Delimitation
This study focuses on the difference of filipino desserts from the western desserts. It also comprises some of the history, how does the filipino desserts starts and how to prepare some of these. 

E. Martial and Methods

Since the research aim to know the effect of dessert in our country this method is about knowing the people’s feeling and concern if the effect of dessert in our country is good or bad or is the dessert makes our country to grow and become a top good country in other countries or is just a waste of time to create a stupid dessert and it doesn’t make sense.

F. Definition of Terms
Dessert something you enjoy to treat yourself after a good meal. An indulgence that makes life a little sweeter and enjoyable.
Custard. sweetened mixture of milk and eggs baked or boiled or frozen
Coconut. The large, brown, hard-shelled seed of the coconut, containing white flesh surrounding a partially fluid-filled central cavity.
Mixture. A composition of two or more substances that are not chemically combined with each other and are capable of being separated.
Filipinos. A native or inhabitant of the Philippines. The Austronesian language that is based on Tagalog, draws its lexicon from other Philippine languages, and is the official language of the Philippines.

2 komento:

  1. thank you for sharing your study, this will help us to improve our study.. :-)

  2. thanks for sharing this, it will help us to improve our study.
